Cannabis and PTSD

June 20, 2019 2 min read

Cannabis and PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Said event can be a serious accident, rape or other kind of violent personal assault, a natural disaster, a terrorist act, or war. There are three categories of PTSD symptoms that we can identify: re-experience (flashbacks), avoidance (social isolation), and hyper arousal (insomnia). 

A report from PTSD United states that there are approximately 44.7 million people who were or are struggling with PTSD. Below is an infographic with more statistics:


Living with PTSD is not only difficult, it can be debilitating. Although there is no real treatment for PTSD, independent studies conducted by organizations like MAPS have begun to show that medical marijuana is effective in helping to treat the disorder.

Even though there is finally enough research to back up the fact the cannabis helps treat PTSD, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is required to follow all federal laws including those regarding marijuana as long as the Food and Drug Administration classifies marijuana as Schedule I. VA health care providers may not recommend it or assist Veterans to obtain it. VA pharmacies may not fill prescriptions for medical marijuana. VA will not pay for medical marijuana prescriptions from any source or participate in state-approved marijuana programs. And so on.

Although the VA doesn’t do much when it comes to assisting veterans obtain medical marijuana to help treat their symptoms, states that “The VA official site makes it clear that veterans who use cannabis, pot, 420, etc… are not in danger of losing VA benefits.”

Is there finally a silver lining for veterans who suffer from PTSD?

At PHILTER, our team collectively has been dedicated for over twenty years to solving major medical problems, identifying consumer-centric solutions for common issues and helping reframe popular associations behind controversial human behaviors. Our goal is to create social change.

By empowering veterans to use a personalized PHILTER for their cannabis use, veterans who suffer from PTSD can get the medicine they need. Picture this: a veteran takes a hit from a vape, gets the relief he or she needs, and then exhales into a PHILTER, not leaving behind a trace of secondhand smoke. You wouldn’t judge someone for taking a prescription pill, so why judge a veteran for responsibly using marijuana to heal?

Join PHILTER in the fight to end stigma! Learn more, here.