PHILTER is here to save your relationship

July 31, 2019 2 min read

PHILTER is here to save your relationship

Happy National Girlfriend Day! But let’s be real it’s 2019 and we’d be better referring to it as “National Relationship Day”. Of course we hope that all of you are celebrating your great relationships, but in case you’re not, PHILTER may be able to help our phollowers out!

The course of relationships bring everyday struggles whether we like to admit it or not, but today is your lucky day because we are here to help. Do you (or your significant) other hate the smelly smoke clouds from your partners’ vaporizers and cannabis products? Is it not welcome in the house, car, or pretty much anywhere else within smelling distance? Here are four ways our PHILTER can help:

  1. No more smoke breaks. Before PHILTER you were probably tired of you or your partner having to step out for a smoke break during date night. Now they can conveniently pair their device with our PHILTER so they don’t have to ditch you at the bar. 

  2. Even smoke breaks were avoided, you or your partner still had to hide their exhales by blowing into a shirt, scarf, or whatever other “highdea” they could come up with to hide smoke. Take it from us: ditch the high school tactics. Using a PHILTER is way more attractive than leaning under the table in the middle of a date to hide secondhand smoke. 

  3. It’s environmentally friendly. We know you all are just trying to cloak your smoke... but our PHILTER products don’t just hide smoke, they ELIMINATE IT! Our patented Zero5 Technology eliminates toxic chemicals and heavy metals from secondhand smoke, making it safe to smoke around your partner without harming them. No secondhand smoke means cleaner air for you and those you love.

  4. Lastly, one of the biggest struggles of a  relationship: GIFT IDEAS! Whether it’s your other half’s birthday, anniversary or the holidays, PHILTER is the perfect gift for your smoke-blowing partner! Our products are easy to order, great looking, and super affordable. Oh, and did we mention COOL? Our futuristic PHILTER technology is certain to put a smile on your partner’s face.

We hope PHILTER can help your relationship on #NationalGirlfriendDay by eliminating arguments over secondhand smoke for good. Don’t forget to follow us on social media @philterlabs and tag us in a photo of you and your boo for a feature!